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联系人: 康先生 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)

联系方式: 13310123212








Diatomite filter




Product Overview:

Diatomite filter, also known as beverage filter, is placed in a sealed steel container with stainless steel filter disc horizontally from bottom to top. The upper layer of the disc is stainless steel strainer, the lower layer is stainless steel support plate, and the middle is a liquid collection chamber. When filtering, diatomite is pre-coated to form a layer of diatomite coating on the disc. Under the action of pump pressure, the filtrate enters the collecting chamber through the pre-coating, and particles and polymers are intercepted by the pre-coating and the clarifying liquid entering in the collecting chamber, and flows out of the container through the central axis.

This type of filtration has the advantages of long filtration cycle, high efficiency, stable turbidity, good sealing, compact structure, convenient to operate, removable, easy to maintain and so on. Compared with similar products, it saves 30% electricity, 60% water and 70% time. According to the different structure, it can be divided into vertical diatomite and horizontal diatomite.


Specific specifications, can contact our technical staff for consultation!



Mobile trolley filter



Product Overview:

Mobile trolley filter is composed of stainless steel filter, mobile trolley, feed pump and related pipe valves. The equipment is suitable for the environment where several outlets are used for cross-filtration during material filtration. The operation of the equipment is convenient and flexible. It can be operated only by connecting the import and export of the equipment with the power source. The device is mainly composed of pump unit, coarse filter, series filter, relief valve, combination valve block, import and export hose assembly, ball valve, electrical components, pressure gauge, cart and so on. It can be customized according to different working conditions.


Specific specifications, can contact our technical staff for consultation


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会员类型: 星级
所在地区: 上海
企业认证: 认证商家
主营产品: 袋式过滤器、自清洗过滤器、反冲式过滤器、烛式过滤器、密闭板式过滤器、精密过滤器、芯式过滤器、钛棒过滤器、硅藻土过滤 展开全部