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联系人: 李子 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)

联系方式: 18621689038



餐厨垃圾处理设备技术特点/Features of Equipment Technology
       本产品运行主要经过三个环节:固液分离一药物分析——粪便分类。抽取上来的粪水通过固液分离,把固体垃圾如石块、纸巾、 塑料袋等杂质分离出去,产生粗渣,并作为生活废弃物处理。固液分离液通过药物分析系统后,将粪水与药物搅拌结合后进入 分类系统,成为生产有机生物肥料的原料,而脱出来的水达到次中水拌放标准。
       1、 直抽直排,不用来回运输,取代传统吸烘车施工模式:装车——运送——卸车——返回,真正实现正本清源的环保理念。
       2、 设备运行成本低,无噪音,无异味,无二次污染,节能环保。
       3、 本设备的*终生成物便于运输,可直接作为有机肥使用。
       4、 实现三态分离(即固液气分离)将容易堵塞市政管网的垃圾提取出来,水处理成次中水,可再利用也可以直接排走,可利用的 粪便提炼出来,作为有机肥原材料。
      The operation of this product mainly goes through three steps: solid-liquid separation - pharmaceutical analysis - feces classification. The waste water extracted is separated by solid and liquid to separate impurities such as rocks, paper towels and plastic bags, and produce coarse residue, which is then treated as domestic waste. After the solid-liquid separation liquid passes through the pharmaceutical analysis system, the fecal water is combined with the pharmaceutical stirring and enters into the classification system to become the raw material for the production of organic biological fertilizer, and the discharged water reaches the secondary water discharge standard.
        1.direct pumping and exhaust, no need to transport back and forth, replace the traditional construction model of drying truck: loading - transport - unloading - return, truly realize the original source of environmental protection concept.
        2.Low operating cost, no noise, no peculiar smell, no secondary pollution, energy saving and environmental protection.
        3.The final product of this equipment is convenient for transportation and can be directly used as organic fertilizer.
        4.Three-state separation (i.e., solid-liquid-gas separation) is achieved to extract the garbage that is easy to block the municipal pipe network. The water is treated into secondary neutral water, which can be reused or directly discharged. The available manure is extracted and used as raw material for organic fertilizer.

餐厨垃圾处理设备工作流程/Equipment workflow

  1、自动上料/automatic feeding
  2、进入料仓/into the stock bin
  5、油水分离/oil and water separation
  7、螺旋输送/Screw transport
  8、发酵仓/fermentation bin
  9、加入菌剂/add bacteria agent
10、自动加温/automatic heating
11、自动揽拌/automatic stirring
12、除臭系统/deodorization system
13、24小时自动施肥/24 hours automatic fertilizer production


Series One: Processing capacity 100kg/d-300kg/d (small, automatic all-in-one machine)

通过机械技术+微生物技术将餐厨垃圾进行就地资源化、减量化处理。本技术可实现餐厨垃圾24小时制肥,并且通 过油水分离专项技术回收油脂,有效的解决地沟油回流餐桌和餐厨垃圾用作饲料造成的“同源污染”问题。
The kitchen waste will be recycled and reduced by means of mechanical technology and microbial technology. This technology can change kitchen waste into fertilizer 24 hours a day, and recover oil and fat through special technology of oil and water separation, so as to effectively solve the problem of "homologous pollution" caused by the backflow of gutter oil and the use of kitchen waste as feed.


Series Two: Processing capacity is 300Kg/d- -5000kg /d (medium-sized full-automatic all-in-one machine)
通过机械技术+微生物技术将餐厨垃圾进行就地资源化、减量化处理。本技术可实现餐厨垃圾24小时制肥,并且通 过油水分离专项技术回收油脂,有效的解决地沟油回流餐桌和餐厨垃圾用作饲料造成的“同源污染”问题。
The kitchen waste will be recycled and reduced by means of mechanical technology and microbial technology. This technology can change kitchen waste into fertilizer 24 hours a day, and recover oil and fat through special technology of oil and water separation, so as to effectively solve the problem of "homologous pollution" caused by the backflow of gutter oil and the use of kitchen waste as feed.



10t/d-100t/d (模块化设计)
Series Three: capacity 10t/d- 100t/d (modular design)
城市餐厨垃圾lOt/d-lOOt/d处理设备采用模块式设计,前端的物料输送、破碎、脱水、油水分离采用双线设计,后端发酵制肥 采用5t/d模块化设计,共用污水处理、尾气净化单元,降低投资运营成本。
Urban kitchen and restaurant waste 10t/ d-lOOt/dtreatment equipment adopts modular design, the front-end material transportation, crushing, dehydration, oil and water separation adopts two-line design, the back-end fermentation fertilizer USES 5t/d modular design, the sharing of sewage treatment, exhaust gas purification unit, reduce the investment and operation cost.



Series Four: capacity l00t/d- 200t/d
       餐厨垃圾经集中收运后经大型餐厨垃圾处理系统分选、破碎制浆后逬入湿热水解系统,湿热 后物料通过三相分离机对油、水、固进行分离,得到的固形物逬入好氧生物发酵系统加工成肥料原料,废水逬入厌 氧发酵系统厌氧产沼,油脂与地沟油提炼得到的粗油脂一并逬入生物柴油精炼系统;废气经收集后采用生物除臭 工艺处理:产生的废水进入污水处理设施进行处理。
       该工艺以湿热水解技术为核心,辅以物料分选、固液分离、管道输送、生物柴油制备、厌氧发酵、废水臭气处理等技 术的综合处理技术体系,可确保整体工艺稳定运行、二次污染达标。

         Daily capacity of 20001,1001- After centralized collection and transportation, the kitchen waste is sorted by the large-scale kitchen waste treatment system and crushed and pulped into the hot and humid hydrolysis system. After wet and hot, the material is separated from oil, water and solid by three-phase separator. The resulting solids go into an aerobic fermentation system and are processed into fertilizer material. Wastewater goes into anaerobic fermentation systems and anaerobic marshes. The oil and crude oil extracted from gutter oil were put into the biodiesel refining system. The waste gas is treated by biological deodorization process after collection: The generated wastewater enters the sewage treatment facility for treatment.
         This process is based on the hydrolytic technology of heat and humidity, supplemented by the comprehensive treatment technology system of material separation, solid-liquid separation, pipeline transportation, biodiesel preparation, anaerobic fermentation, wastewater and odor treatment, etc., which can ensure the stable operation ofthe whole process and the standard of secondary pollution.




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