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联系人: 褚翠翠 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)

联系方式: 15075722936







(The bag dust collector has many advantages such as high dust removal efficiency, simple structure, stable operation, less initial investment, convenient maintenance and so on. How to collect dust in cloth bag dust remover, Tianhong environmental protection take the DMC pulse bag filter produced by our company as an example to make a brief introduction to everyone.)


(The dust-containing gas enters the ash hopper under the force of the induced fan and is evenly distributed to each filter bag after passing through the guide plate. The dust is intercepted on the outer surface of the filter bag, and the gas passes through the filter bag.)



(Dust falling on the outer surface of the filter bag will reduce the permeability of the filter bag and increase the resistance of the dust collector until the resistance reaches the set plant (differential pressure control) or the filter time reaches the set value (time control). The normally closed pulse valve opens for a very short period of time (about 0.1 s) under the pulse injection control of the pulse injection controller (PLC). High-speed airflow into the filter bag will also produce several times as much gas as the secondary drainage. The combined action of jet flow and secondary drainage caused the pressure on the inside of the filter bag to rise rapidly, and the filter bag was made from the original. )  




(The process of removing dust from the surface of the filter bag in the filter state is called ash removal. Ash cleaning is carried out in a row. Pulse valve each action, a row of filter bags to get ash removal. The pulse valve operates at set intervals and in sequence until a cycle is completed. The whole dust collector completes a ash removal cycle. In the differential pressure control mode, the beginning of the next ash removal cycle depends on the resistance of the dust collector. In time control, the start of the next ash removal cycle depends on the filter time. The differential pressure control method can keep the resistance of the dust collector in a dynamic and stable state, and can also reduce the injection of compressed air. Frequency, reduce the consumption of compressed air and filter bag wear, the general use of differential pressure control.) 



(When cleaning, if the lifting valve is open, the filter bag is still filtering smoke, it is called online ash cleaning. On the contrary, the lifting valve is closed and the filter chamber is not filtered, so it is called off-line ash cleaning. It takes a certain amount of time to enter the ash hopper from the dust falling off the surface of the filter bag. Under the condition of on-line ash cleaning, some micro-dust may be called "secondary adsorption" of dust before falling into the ash hopper. Off-line ash removal can effectively eliminate this secondary adsorption phenomenon, so the effect of ash removal is better.)


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