易滤™ 褶皱式布袋
E-clear™ Pleated Filter Bags
o 无须对除尘器箱体改造,按需要提高系统过滤面积50-150%;
o 现有技术成熟纤维制造的滤料都可以使用;
o 相同运行条件下大大延长清灰间隔和超细粉尘排放;
o 大大降低系统压差和能耗;
o 有效袋间距大幅度增加,清灰效率大幅度提高;
o 大大降低因布袋和龙骨的撞击造成的布袋疲劳损伤,延长布袋寿命
Everclear Group provides innovative solutions to customers in need to upgrade their existing dust collectors to meet the more and more stringent emission control requirements and ever increasing operating costs. We have obtained a few of patents for invention and a few of patents for utility models. Everclear’s E-clear™ pleated filter bag & cages offer the most cost effective option for the retrofit of the existing dust collectors.
o To increase system filtration capacity by 50-150% without major changes to the dust collectors.
o All currently available filter media can be used
o Significantly extend pulse cleaning intervals and fine dust emission under the same operating conditions
o Significantly reduce system pressure drop and energy consumption
o System cleaning efficiency markedly increased with the effective increase of bag to bag distance
o Bag life extended due to significant reduction of fatigue damage to the bags due to bag to cage impact
q 大幅度提高现有除尘器的风量增加产能
n Significantly Increases System Throughput
E-clear™ pleated filter bag & cages replacing standard bags and cages will increase system filtration area by 50-150% without major modifications to the existing dust collector system, providing the best retrofit option to upgrade dust collectors to increase total efficiency and capacity of existing dust collectors.
q 大大提高除尘器对粉尘特别是PM2.5和PM10超细粉尘的捕集效率
n Markedly Increase Collection Efficiency for Fine Particles
E-clear™ pleated filter bag replacing standard round or oval bags will reduce the A/C ratio, system pressure drop and pulse cleaning frequency thus significantly increase collection efficiency of PM10 and PM2.5 fine particales.
q 显著降低系统运行能耗和维护成本
n Reduces System Energy Consumption and Maintenance Costs
E-clear™ pleated filter bag & cages replacing standard bags and cages will significantly reduce system pressure drop thus fan power consumption; reduced cleaning frequency will also reduce compressed air consumption and wear to the cleaning valves and parts.
q 延长布袋使用寿命
n Increases Filter Bag Life
E-clear™ pleated filter bag & cages replacing standard bags and cages will increase system filtration area by 50-150% without major modifications to the existing dust collector system, providing the best retrofit option to upgrade dust collectors to increase total efficiency and capacity of existing dust collectors.
q 在新除尘器使用大幅度降低除尘器箱体体积
n Reduces Dust Collector Dimensions if Used in New Dust Collector Design
E-clear™ pleated filter bag & cages replacing standard bags and cages, if designed at the same A/C ratio, will significantly reduce floor plan and dimensions of the dust collector as well as capacity and parts of the pulse cleaning system, resulting significant reduction in initial capital investment with better system efficiency
东旺环保 PTFE除尘滤袋 玻璃窑炉厂专用除尘布袋
东旺环保 垃圾焚烧锅炉布袋除尘器布袋 PTFE耐高温除尘布袋
燃煤锅炉用PPS滤袋 PPS除尘滤袋 PPS覆膜滤袋 收尘袋 集尘袋 布袋
袋式除尘配件 专业高温滤袋 除尘布袋 NOMEX系列
水泥厂专用滤袋 东旺环保 氟美斯FMS耐高温除尘布袋
100%PTFE除尘布袋 耐高温PTFE除尘滤袋厂家 滤袋 pps滤袋 除尘袋 不锈钢袋笼