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联系人: 龙经理 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)

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 D  I脉冲喷吹控制仪是脉冲袋式除尘器喷吹清灰系统的主要控制装置。它的输出驱动电磁脉冲阀,进而控制压缩空气对滤袋循序喷吹清灰,使除尘器的运行阻力保持在设定的范围内,以保证除尘器的处理能力和收尘效率。


Pulse jet control device is a main control device in a jet dust-cleaning system of a pulse bag-house. It outputs driving electromagnetic pulse valve, to control compressed air, to jet dust on the filtration bag in a proper sequence, and to keep the operation resistance to clear dust within the set range, so as to guarantee the processing capability and dust-Collection efficiency of the bag house.




The control device creates driving voltage output every time. One driving voltage has duration, called a pulse width. The interval time between the two interfacing output-driving voltages is called as pulse interval. The time necessary for the control device to complete electromagnetic valve outputs of all bits is called as pulse cycle. Pause time between the two pulse cycles is call as cycle interval.




According to the dust-cleaning requirement of bag house, control device parameters, such as cycle interval, pulse interval and pulse width, are set, to guarantee that the operation resistance of the bag house is within the set range.NG GREEN INDUS 


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会员类型: 星级
所在地区: 上海
企业认证: 认证商家
主营产品: 电磁脉冲阀,电厂大膜片(12寸14寸16寸),德国马牌进口膜片,脉冲控制仪,袋帽,袋笼,滤袋,联结器,线圈等袋式除尘配件。 展开全部