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联系人: 朱卫峰 (来电时请说是从北极星看到我的)

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Tulsion® CH-95 是一款为了从工业废水中去除回收汞和贵金属而专门开发的螯合树脂。
Tulsion® CH-95 是一款拥有聚乙烯异硫脲官能基的大孔树脂,这种树脂对汞有极高的选
典型特性(TYPICAL charACTERISTICS): Tulsion® CH-95
型式/Type 选择性,螯合树脂/Selective, Chelating Resin
主体结构/Matrix Structure 大孔交联聚苯乙烯/Macroporous Cross-linked Polystyrene
官能基/Functional group 异硫脲/Isothiouronium
物理形态/Physical form 湿润球形/Moist Spherical Beads
离子型式/Ionic form 氯/Chloride
粒度/Particle Size (95% min) 0.3 - 1.2 mm
总交换量/Total exchange capacity 150g Hg/lit (9.3 lbs /ft³)
湿度/Moisture content 50±3%
反洗稳定密度/Backwash settled density 760 - 800g/l (47 - 50bs Hg/cft)
热稳定性℃/℉/ Thermal Stability 80℃(175℉)
操作PH/Operating pH range 0 - 7
溶解度/Solubility 不溶于一般溶剂/Insoluble in all common solvents
测试(TESTING): Tulsion® CH-95
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即ASTMD - 2187 和IS - 7330,1998.
包装(PACKING): Tulsion® CH-95
For Hling, Safety Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included
herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance
guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing
on his own processing equipment.
For further information, please contact::
Super Sack 1000 lit Super Sack 35 cft
MS drums 180 lit. MS drums 7 cft
HDPE lines Bags 25 lit. HDPE lines Bags 1 cft



会员类型: 星级
所在地区: 北京
企业认证: 认证商家
主营产品: Tulsion离子交换树脂,德国沃奇产品 展开全部